domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

Homeopathy with capital aitch

                  It isn't  essential  work in  health  to have  an opinion  about something  so present  in our lives as medical treatment. Living  with  my  illnesses  and cures offered me some  learning about  what is health,  ilness  and  healing. Homeopathy  develops  a perception  of  the whole  human being  and  numerous  healing resources. And it  produces tangible results. Some governments,  groups  and individuals accused  homeopathy as not  thorough  and innocuous. I think it's unfair.
                 The argument most used  by  opponents of homeopathy  claims that their  drugs are the same  as nothing. They called  it a placebo, pure water or  any name  that means leading zero. Who says  so does not know  the principles  of homeopathy  or how  their  drugs works.
                  For homeopathy  health  should  integrate  mental/emotional/ physical plans. This integration  takes place  following  a dynamism called  homeostasis,  which  is a search  for balance,  wellness and maintenance  of life.

                  According to George Vithoulkas it is  the  following:
            "Cada  organismo possui um mecanismo de defesa  que está  constantemente  enfrentando estímulos, tanto de fontes internas  quanto de fontes externas. Esse mecanismo  de defesa  é responsável  pela manutenção de um estado  de  homeostase, isto é,  um estado de equilíbrio entre os processos  que tendem a  perturbar  o organismo  e os processos  que tendem a mantê-lo em ordem."

                  Homeopathy  seeks  to trace  how  each  individual  creates  his  disease  process. Using  some theories of modern science, homeopathy  attempts  to rethink the old concept  of vital force:

                 According to George Vithoulkas:
              "O que é o mecanismo de defesa? Como ele pode  ser  percebido? Quais são, precisamente, as qualidades que definem  sua função nas diversas circunstâncias?
Há séculos,  o ponto de vista  predominante estava centrado na filosofia  do "vitalismo",  que postulava a presença  de uma força vital  dotada de inteligência e poder de governar  miríades  de processos envolvidos  tanto na saúde quanto na doença. Parecia-lhes óbvio  que alguma força  animava o corpo humano,  pois  o organismo humano é mais do que  simplesmente  uma soma  de seus componentes físicos. Alguma força ou princípio animador entra  no organismo  no momento da concepção, orienta  todas as  funções  da vida e depois deixa-o  quando ocorre  a morte."
A idéia  de que há  uma força  vital  inteligente  que anima o organismo,  podendo  essa força vital ser um campo  similar ou análogo ao campo eletromagnético, abre novas possibilidades  para a terapêutica, passível de conduzir a uma  era  da medicina da energia."

                The homeopathic remedy is planned  to interfere  in the  magnetic field  of the patient. It is  remarkable  that  the  homeopatic  medicine  does not  act  on  the physical  plane. Dynamization   "break"  the molecules  of  the  physical  substance  until  there is nothing  material left, (but it keeps the energy). The claim  that homeopathy  "is nothing more than  placebo",  means  that a remedy is not worthy to be called  so if  it does not act  through  chemical  reactions  on the physical  plane. This sounds persecution. Why  charging  of homeopathy  which is not its  proposal? Homeopathy  proposed  its field  of study  and follows  its principles  and  methods. Homeopathy has its own vocation and specific  questions,  is not accomplished,  don't want to be a panacea and is liable  to mistakes  and hits  as in all fields  of knowledge. But homeopathy  is  not so grotesquely naive  and  untruthful  to pretend that is  medicine while  distributes sugar pills.I am an admirer  of homeopathy  and science  enthusiast. I think  this is possible because  science  and homeopathy are not  mutually  exclusive ( although  some people  think  so). I would like  to make a  peevish  question  even  though the answer  may  occupy  the space  of a library. What  is science?  My modest  contribution  would say  the following : Science is  an  inquiry  about  the nature  and  application  of a methodology  aimed  at producing  a systematic knowledge that  can  somehow improve  the lives. I apologize  for the simplicity  of my  answer  but  I  know  it  does  not cease to be adequate. Science is a present and as everything  which  is bright,  produces   some  shadow  areas. The shadow  of orthodox science  are the illusions of    hope  from a methodology much more than it can  deliver. Methodologies  are resources  to  aggregate  the  results  of  research into an  organic  whole  and to provide  screens  to check  the degree  of coherence  and  functionality  of these  results. It's just a crop of the  world, and it is more accurate,  does not  represent  the whole.
                All paradigms  are cultural  constructions  that  have  more or less  successful in interfering  with  nature . Nature does not submit  any kind of  control. It is  bountiful and  interacts  with  human  intelligence  lovingly  donating  knowledge  we need  to live and evolve.But it is sovereign  to keep  or to give  the keys  of their  controls.  So I wonder  why a paradigm judges itself  correct, or accurate or precise enough to understand nature  in its infinite forms, relationships  and  events?  A paradigm  is a set  of assumptions  and methods  that work  to some extent for certain purposes. As a crop  of the world  can be very intelligent, well  reasoned,  well  prepared  and  very  productive. However,  it's  only  a  cut,  without  the power  to reach  the integral  nature. This applies  to all paradigms  and world  views,  including  homeopathy.
                Where is the fragility  of homeopathy?It's  just habit of giving  pompous names to placebos? A rudimentary  practice  that  self proclaimed  medicine? None. In fact, homeopathy is not  as fragile  as well. It only dared  to follow its own paths. Its  ideas  about life, health, disease and  medical  practice, methodologies and strategies, opened  unprecedent and came  to  conclusions  that have  a high degree of dissimilarity  in relation  to the  predominant  way  of  organizing  knowledge.So it does not  always  confirm  the current  models.Quiet,  lady  "radical science",  for which is different. The possibilities  are endless. Nature  is encrypted and nobody  has access  to its integrity. Pehaps humility  is a widely  accepted  passport.

"The scince of homeopathy"
By George Vithoulkas


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