Terreiros, (*1) with the blessing of Orixás (*2) are prolific in musical talent. Endessly, singers, composers, drummers and other musicians come around like fruits in fertilized soil. There is so much talent, but I wonder if the initiatives are also abundant in order to research, develop, transform or recreate the Orixás music. Talent is skin deep, however the timing to make it productive doesn't seem so present.
As we know, the brazilian sacred feminine is hugely misunderstood, disrespected, even demonized and misrepresented by some false adherents who says that they can "bring the beloved" (among others nonsenses). But what about us who get our religion seriously? We think of strategies to show the meaning and importance of the Orixás worship? The issue is complex and I do not dare to answer. But I've been doing some reflections. We can to express the whole depth, richness and beauty of Orixás trough art.
I notice there is little initiative in studying and improving techniques of singing, as well as more carefully researching African Music. Little experiences with different instruments, little experience with mix of rhythms, innovation, etc. Anyway, works that extend and recreate Orixás music, since even being beautiful and rich, like any cultural product, needs to communicate with the world around them and to enrich and be enriched in return.
Many singers come out of the community, since music is an important part of rituals, but by several factors, this pure and strong musicianship which comes from the ground may not achieve its best form. First, people have to make a living material in a job that leads to greater and better part of his time and perhaps of its energy. Moreover, the religious community exists because of a psychic and spiritual work where people also need to invest time and energy. The leftover time is for rest (And indeed, there is not much). Then the musical and artistic studies generally take one of the last places on the scale of priorities. So it is difficult for us to study music and acquire of technical and theoretical knowledge. But with all difficulties and obstacles of life, we have to think a bit before saying that the study is totally impossible. if the driving force in the middle trap us in the mere repetition of tasks facing the survival why not mobilize a force within us to drill the lock and the extent possible, seek progress to a broader level? Our "raw material" is an incredible rhythm, great musicianship and great ancestry. For larger and more dificult as they are obstacles, the will and faith can do miracles. With this potential, we can go far. Everything is possible for those who believe, trust and work. Although we do no achieve the goals set initially, life never leaves us without and answer. The universe conspires. The cult of Orixás has long been important in Africa and Brasil and will now spreading to South America. Let's to appreciate ourself. It's up to us and only us a greater awareness of our value. To have stimulus to work and realize beautiful and interesting art projects. Does anyone doubt that we can?
(*1) terreiro=Temple where peoples worship Orixás
(*2) Orixás=Deities brought to Brasil by our african ancestors
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