I had no idea about what to post. But I schism that I would end today with laziness. I considered several alternatives, but all seemed inadequate.
I gave up the post and I read about astrology. I read descriptions referring Pluto, Venus, Leo, Saturn quadratures etc. I had to write something about association Mars/Venus and went to the box of draft papers. some astral position favored me because the back of draft paper brought a piece of "Morte e vida severina"( *1). It is the moment when the son of Severino(*2) is born. Even if the child is born into great poverty, his birth is welcomed, yet to emerge in the harshest , painful or uninviting environments.
Once again the formula of chance helped me. The poem ended with my laziness and stimulated the desire to write. I love in João Cabral (*3), his great ability to wxplore the word getting most of rhythm, sound and feel. Knowing that all the work of João Cabral is masterful, I have great admiration for "Morte e vida severina". The saga of Severino has a lot of purity and strenght of the earth condensed in his words. Poignant account of how much pain inhabits the Brazilian soil, with his people abandoned to their fate.
On draft paper, the passage where the neighbors talk about the beautiful of the newborn. Beautiful is not striking in this individual, but concernes what this birth means for life. I've seen lots of pictures and comparisons expressing beauty. Often these images using symbols of grandeur, distinction, or anything that is primarily beautiful. But how to speak of the beauty that persists in the ugliness? The situation did not ask for great images, because it was not an ostensible beauty. Only the sensitivity and soul can see the beauty insinuating through the narrow opening in the body of misery. Then, ready, new notebook. The simplicity and novelty. It served as a glove. Everyone has experienced this. How much promised! Neat little letters on the first page thinking that will be like this until the end. Even though the mess has begin on the third page, the first is always a project, a moment of renewal, the start. This time everything will work out. As a new course, new learning, a new home, new car, new love. It is something new that one or two months may have been lost in the confusion of everyday life. But the feeling of the first page is actually very pleasure.
Ever since I read this poem for the first many years ago, this image of new notebook was pratically stamped on my memory. I think I like notebooks.
I am certain about one thing. What I could not express, the verses speak for themselves.
___ Belo porque tem do novo
a surpresa e a alegria
___Belo como a coisa nova
na prateleira até então vazia.
___como qualquer coisa nova
inaugurando o seu dia.
Ou como o caderno novo
quando a gente o principia.
*1 -Vida e Morte severina : metrical theatre play.
This theatre play recounts the saga of Severino who escapes from the drought walking miles to reach the city where he also face serious problems of social exclusion.
*2-Severino: male name
*3-João Cabral de Melo Neto: Brazilian poet born in northeastern Brazil
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