quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011

A planet day-to-day

Someone desists
someone perseveres
someone murders
someone is murdered
someone closes the tap
someone says  goodbye
and  doesn't  come back
someone  returns  and
stays forever
a child cries
the other  one babbles
another  one laughs
another one dies
someone  opens a book
someone  closes
a box tap
someone doesn't  have bread
someone  doesn't  have a home
someone  buys a castle
someone  steals  a  banana
sosmeone  is  sentenced to death
for a crime he/she  did commit
someone  commits the thousandth crime
and nobody  gets to know it
or everybody knows
but  nobody  does anything
someone   changes  the  shirt
buys shoes
reads a magazine
turns  on the  TV
closes the  bag
sits at the piano
goes camping
goes  to  work
kicks off a  ball
is happy
The trivial, the tragedy and the charm
injure our days
through cities  and  land
without  knowing  anything from each other
the murderer   did not know  whon
he told  goodbye
the person who sat  at  the piano
didn't  see who  was  murdered
we all  experience
pain  and  pleasure
being alone and unique
searching  through
mist  and  ashes,
of the newspapers, the words, the gesture
the brother  that  persevered
the brother  that  killed
the  brother  that  read  the  magazine
the child that  played
with  clashes, anxiety  or silence
we dream, we seek or  we  give up
someday, who knows?
the out-of  tunes  notes
of this ungraceful  symphony
sound  at one frequency more harmonic
with love and  peace
and even  far from perfection
let us be
a little  less  closed
a little  less separeted
a  little  less stranger
a little  better
a little  more fraternal
a little  closer

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